Due to technical difficulties, we weren’t able to record all of the presentations. We will continue to improve in this area at future workshops. Here are presentation videos on Dropbox:
Tuesday, May 21
Breeding Bird Response to Wildfire Burn Severity in the Southern Appalachians, Katie Greenberg
Tennessee Valley Authority Restoration Work, RJ Moore
Communicating Fire, SBR FLN Comms Team
Appalachian Prescribed Fire Dashboard, Kristen Austin and David Fox
Thursday, May 23
USFS Bat Conservation Strategy, Jay Garcia
Wildfire Restoration Efforts Around the Smokies, Michaele Bloodsworth
Smoke and New EPA Regulations, Melanie Pitrolo and Kelly Cagle
Climate-informed Forestry- Update from the Southern Blue Ridge Escarpment, Greg Cooper
Fire Effects in Fens and Bogs, Adam Warwick
Fuels Treatment Effectiveness Monitoring, Beth Buchanan
Tuesday, May 21
Breeding Bird Response to Wildfire Burn Severity in the Southern Appalachians, Katie Greenberg
Tennessee Valley Authority Restoration Work, RJ Moore
Communicating Fire, SBR FLN Comms Team
Appalachian Prescribed Fire Dashboard, Kristen Austin and David Fox
Thursday, May 23
USFS Bat Conservation Strategy, Jay Garcia
Wildfire Restoration Efforts Around the Smokies, Michaele Bloodsworth
Smoke and New EPA Regulations, Melanie Pitrolo and Kelly Cagle
Climate-informed Forestry- Update from the Southern Blue Ridge Escarpment, Greg Cooper
Fire Effects in Fens and Bogs, Adam Warwick
Fuels Treatment Effectiveness Monitoring, Beth Buchanan