North Carolina: In the wake of the severe late-fall wildfire season, partners in the Southern Blue Ridge FLN are conducting a good deal of outreach. At the panel discussion “Before We Burn Again,” organized by Josh Kelly ([email protected]), the audience of about 125 people learned how to be better prepared for the next wildfire season. The Asheville Citizen-Times, which co-sponsored the event, ran a couple of stories, and Blue Ridge Public Radio ran a four-minute segment, “WNC Community Contemplates Upcoming Wildfire Season, Seeks Solutions.”
The Nature Conservancy and Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy also held a fire outreach event, speaking to about 45 people about fire, past, present and future. Margit Bucher ([email protected]) spoke on fire history and Adam Warwick ([email protected]) on the positive impact of controlled burning on wildlife, while other presenters covered climatic impacts, an overview of historical burning in the Grandfather RD, an introduction to Firewise, and other topics. The U.S. Forest Service also hosted an evening event to talk about the 2016 wildfires. For more information, contact Megan Sutton ([email protected]). Conferences, Workshops, Training, Etc. June 6-8 Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers and Scientists Road Trip Gatlinburg, TN – Asheville, NC – northern GA Save the date for this summer road trip, with CAFMS is planning a bus tour to share lessons learned from the 2016 wildfire season.
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